nose shape meaning in Chinese
- This dissertation investigates the influences of internal press and missiles shape on deformation and rupture of a multi - span thin - walled metal tube that struck by a large - mass and slow - speed missile transversely . 103 impact tests were conducted on a thin tube ( d / t = 44 ) either empty or filled with water using a missile ( dm / t = 6 ) with various nose shapes ( flat - nosed , hemisphere - nosed and conical - nosed )
采用三种弹体(平头、半球形和圆锥头,弹体直径与管壁厚度之比d _ m t = 6 )对空管和高压充水薄壁钢管(径厚比d t = 44 )进行了冲击破坏实验,预加工作内压分别为0mpa , 5mpa , 10mpa和15mpa 。